26 Apr 2019, 03:42
Dumnezeu discuta cu fostii domnitori romani:
- Cum o duc moldovenii tai, Stefane?
- Rau, Doamne...
- Cum asa?
- Jumatate sunt in Spania, jumatate in Rusia.
- Da' ardelenii tai, Iancule?
- Binisor Doamne...
- I-auzi! Pai de ce?
- Jumatate sunt in Italia, jumatate sunt in Germania!
- Da' oltenii tai, Tudore?
- Foarte bine, Doamne!
- Bravo! Cum asa?
- Pai jumatate sunt in Camera Deputatilor, jumatate in Senat!
Toledo 1M/AUS/1,6/16V /115CP midnight blue metallic
Arosa 6H/AUB/1,4/16V/107CP rosu
"I didn't mod my car to be faster/better than other cars, I modded my car so its faster/better than it was before the mod"
"When events test men, angels then appear" - Cand timpurile ii pun la incercare pe oameni, atunci apar ingerii...