Club SEAT CUPRA Romania - clubul pasionatilor de modele ale marcilor SEAT si CUPRA

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Re: Leon FR TDI

06 Iun 2009, 21:23

TT (The Teacher) Tuning SRL :bounce:
Arata foarte tareeeeeeee!!!
The teacher
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Membru din: 26 Mar 2008, 17:26
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Re: Leon FR TDI

07 Iun 2009, 01:09

Nu ai pt . ce Ady , pacat ca nu am putut finaliza si spatele , dar vb luni cu cinva poate o rezolvam si pe aia............
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Membru din: 21 Noi 2008, 14:02
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Re: Leon FR TDI

14 Iun 2009, 00:44

DjAlcohol scrie:
Filtrul l-am luat de la Racing Nick, pretul a fost de 2.5 mil aproximativ, iar la diferenta sunetul...parca "grohaie" :D mai tare si evacuarea se aude mai bine...iar pedala de acceleratie este mai moale, deci respira mai bine motorul. Filtrul este special pt 2.0 tdi de leon fr.
Are garantie 1milion mile, si nu mai necesita schimbare la revizii, trebui doar spalat si uns cu ulei. Pentru bucuresti unde este plin de praf mi-au recomandat sa-l curat odata la 6.000 km.

MAXIM 5.000km... eu il curat pe al meu cam la 3000km (si nu toti facuti prin Bucale) si e destul de murdar, nu foarte, dar destul...
Si ai grija cu apa sa nu fie fierbinte, sarmele alea de tin bumbacul au tendinta sa se deformeze un pic... la fel daca nu il lasi la uscat peste noapte si bagi uscatorul de par in el :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Membru din: 23 Dec 2007, 08:37
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Re: Leon FR TDI

15 Iun 2009, 14:59

Mersi pt. sfaturi :) e bine de stiut.
Seat Leon FR TDI
Mesaje: 3
Membru din: 31 Iul 2009, 11:19

Re: Leon FR TDI

31 Iul 2009, 11:51

DjAlcohol scrie:

un filmulet cu sunetul evacuarii, pt. ace

o sa fac altul mai calumea zilele astea daca vrei


Good DjAlcohol you said ...

I´m Raul and I am from Spain and other forums,, ... etc, I also have a fr as yours with a little something done ...
Well the issue is that I've seen a video of yours on youtube sound suppressor with your fr supersprint in mind and I do that soon ...
Tell me please that you have done exactly the subject of engine and exhaust all in-line is that I love the sound of your car .... jeje

I hope your answer if you're so nice.

I feel the translation, but it is not write English very well.

By the way, if you want to see my fr, register in that atmosphere and it's free!

Try traducirmelo with google translator to understand each other better as I do!


PS: Mr. Moderator, I hope this post does not breach any rules, so if I say so and I edit.
Thank you very much!
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Membru din: 23 Dec 2007, 08:37
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Re: Leon FR TDI

05 Aug 2009, 02:04

Hello RVG, sorry for the late answer.

I have modified the exhaust:

-Downpipe Supersprint
-and the rest is empty pipe only a Borla resonator at the middle of the exhaust.

I will post some pictures if you want.

I hope you will present us your Seat.

Best regards.
Seat Leon FR TDI
Mesaje: 3
Membru din: 31 Iul 2009, 11:19

Re: Leon FR TDI

05 Aug 2009, 15:18

DjAlcohol scrie:
Hello RVG, sorry for the late answer.

I have modified the exhaust:

-Downpipe Supersprint
-and the rest is empty pipe only a Borla resonator at the middle of the exhaust.

I will post some pictures if you want.

I hope you will present us your Seat.

Best regards.

thanks for answering!

Why choose supersprint and not miltek? supersprint is more expensive ...

Here in Spain almost tabu is the subject of DPF, the subject of ITV! Increasingly become more suppressive ...

I'm thinking!

Because if you hang some pictures would be very grateful!

Best regards!

PD: Do you have msn? agregame
and talk ok?

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Membru din: 23 Dec 2007, 08:37
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Re: Leon FR TDI

05 Aug 2009, 19:09

Seat Leon FR TDI
Mesaje: 3
Membru din: 31 Iul 2009, 11:19

Re: Leon FR TDI

06 Aug 2009, 15:28

DjAlcohol scrie:

thanks for everything!

I hope that soon my leoncete sounds like that or at least close!

Indeed, because all you have left? How much it is?
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Membru din: 08 Mai 2009, 05:00
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Re: Leon FR TDI

17 Aug 2009, 14:54

Frumoasa masina, frumos se aude si frumos se duce. Greu mi-am dat seama ca e diesel. :D
Seat Ibiza 6L, 1.4 16v, BBY, 2003
Seat Ibiza 6L, 1.9 TDI AXR, 2007, Stage 1 Imagine
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Membru din: 23 Dec 2007, 08:37
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Re: Leon FR TDI

17 Aug 2009, 19:28

Seat Leon FR TDI
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Re: Leon FR TDI

27 Noi 2009, 15:24

Salut Adi, am si eu o intrebare: dupa ce ai dat jos DPF-ul si ai pus noul soft, ai facut cumva si un test dyno? SUnt curios cati CP in plus aduce scoaterea DPF-ului.
Seat Leon FR TDI | Cylinders: 4 | Power: 46 HP | Maximum Speed: 133 km/h

Night Ride Squad :: powered by

..:: Duncan Jay :: house mixes all the way ::..
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Membru din: 23 Dec 2007, 08:37
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: Leon FR TDI

03 Dec 2009, 02:23

Salut, nu am facut niciun test dyno...dar a fost diferenta destul de mare....mi se parea alta masina cand am scos-o din curtea mai zic dupa adaptarea softului
Seat Leon FR TDI
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Membru din: 27 Noi 2008, 23:27
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: Leon FR TDI

11 Dec 2009, 17:48


Si eu sunt interesat sa fac un upgrade, insa doar in conditiile scoaterii DPF-ului, altfel clar imi infund filtrul, la halul in care merg eu in Bucuresti.
Intrebarile sunt urmatoarele:
- Scoate mult fum? sau scoate, dar e in limite acceptabile?
- La ITP se va cunoaste mult faptul ca nu mai ai catalizatoare? adica va trece noxele?
- Are vreun efect secundar la masina faptul ca ai scos filtrul si ai pus soft nou?

Conducere placuta!
Leon FR TDI - 170 CP
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Membru din: 23 Dec 2007, 08:37
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: Leon FR TDI

15 Dec 2009, 05:16


Scoate fum, dar nu extraordinar de mult iar in legatura cu itp-ul clar trebui sa-l faci undeva unde ai "blat" :) dar sunetul si cum o sa mearga masina dupa ce dai DPF-ul jos o sa compenseze. Bafta
Seat Leon FR TDI
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