Club SEAT CUPRA Romania - clubul pasionatilor de modele ale marcilor SEAT si CUPRA

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Membru din: 10 Mai 2008, 13:15
Localitate: Ploiesti

Re: Noua Ibiza

11 Mar 2009, 07:12

Bubulutza scrie:
dragutza masina!
nu se compara nici pe departe cu noua Ibiza Cupra.
si oricum nu are AUTO EMOCION clar! :D

de cand fordul e inaintea grupului VAG??? nu va fi in veci :twisted:

performantele ''tsi'' sunt inegalabile
-SEAT LEON 5F Xperience 2.0tdi 184cp
-EX-SEAT LEON_2.0tdi BKD 140cp+

huse piele schimbator
Mesaje: 110
Membru din: 08 Apr 2009, 10:59
Localitate: CT / Cernavoda

Re: Noua Ibiza

21 Apr 2009, 14:45

eu mi-am luat noua ibiza 1.4 si sunt foarte multumit de ea. masina micuta, fasneata, consum mic, intretinere ieftina, deci d.p.d.v. al costurilor e super. si pe drum se tine foarte bine.
Iubeste, uita, iarta, e cea mai frumoasa arta!
Ibiza Red 1.4/85CP
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Membru din: 21 Mar 2009, 13:52
Localitate: Braila

new ibiza

25 Apr 2009, 00:30

e o masina traznet, si frumoasa si agila 8) . Merge perfect pot spune k imi iubesc masina mai mult dekt prietena :D
Seat Ibiza 1.6 16v 105 cp
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Mesaje: 7620
Membru din: 22 Iul 2008, 22:26
Localitate: Bucuresti Dr. Taberei

Re: new ibiza

25 Apr 2009, 00:55

Bine ai venit pe forum.
Daca vrei sa prezinti masina fa te rog un topic in aria "ibiza mea".
Pentru laude la adresa noului model exista deja un topic. :shock:
Te rog sa fii atent pana sa deschizi un nou topic si sa verifici daca nu cumva exista.
Cordoba Fever + Fresc, 1.4l/86Cp (nu se stie pe unde-i are!), 2008, Rosu Emocion
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Membru din: 26 Ian 2009, 16:05
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: Noua Ibiza

19 Iun 2009, 09:41

TIBI_84 scrie:
Bubulutza scrie:
dragutza masina!
nu se compara nici pe departe cu noua Ibiza Cupra.
si oricum nu are AUTO EMOCION clar! :D

de cand fordul e inaintea grupului VAG??? nu va fi in veci :twisted:

performantele ''tsi'' sunt inegalabile

si ca sa confirm ce ai spus tu aici cu performantele: TSI de pe noua Ibiza Cupra 1.4 a castigat titlul de cel mai bun motor al anului 2009
detalii mai jos! ... 74051.html ... inner.html

Having accumulated 354 points from 65 judges, VW’s innovative new-generation TSI Twincharger has ended four years of BMW dominance to win the overall International Engine of the Year Award for 2009.

In what was the closest race in the history of the Awards, the Twincharger beat the 2007 and 2008 champion, BMW’s 3-litre DI Twin Turbo by four points. TSI’s triumph in the overall International Engine of the Year, Green Engine and 1-litre to 1.4-litre categories will be seen as an important victory for those backing the downsizing of internal combustion engines over other solutions such as gasoline hybrids and full electric vehicles.

Most notable was how well VW’s 1.4-litre unit managed to gather points from markets outside Europe, with judges in North America, Asia and South America all awarding top marks. “It was an easy choice,” said international motoring journalist Peter Robinson. “TSI combines outstanding refinement with terrific performance and low consumption and emissions.” American Matt Davis was equally impressed: “Volkswagen’s 1.4-litre TSI EA111 is still way ahead of the curve, sensationally over-engineered in all the right ways, and even makes the company’s fantastic 2-litre TFSI already look like yesterday’s tech.”

The four-cylinder combines a turbocharger and supercharger in one compact unit. The result is power of up to 178bhp, but what’s most impressive is the engine’s specific power that attains 127.1bhp per litre of displacement. And with 240Nm of torque coming good at 1,500rpm, it’s easy to see why the jurors that look for performance and sporty characteristics were impressed.

But power is just part of the story for this year’s International Engine of the Year. The TSI derivative mated to VW’s DSG system emits 144g CO2/km, and in a Golf application, fuel consumption is rated at 6.2litres/100km (45.5mpg). With those figures, it’s little wonder that TSI won.

1. Volkswagen 1.4-litre TSI Twincharger (VW Golf, Golf Variant, Scirocco, Eos, Jetta, Touran, Tiguan, Seat Ibiza Cupra)
354 points
2. BMW 3-litre DI Twin Turbo (135, 335, X6, Z4, 730) 350 points
3. Audi 2-litre TFSI (Audi A4, A5, Q5, VW Scirocco, Golf GTI)
220 points
4. Mercedes-Benz Diesel 2.1-litre (BlueEfficiency C-Class, BlueEfficiency E-Class) 203
5. BMW 4-litre V8 (M3) 203 points
6. Mercedes-AMG 6.2-litre (CLK, S, SL, CL, CLS, ML) 114 points
7. BMW-PSA 1.6-litre Turbo (Mini Cooper S, Clubman, Peugeot 207 308, Mini John Cooper Works) 107 points
8. Toyota 1-litre (Aygo, IQ, Yaris/Vitz, Citroën C1, Peugeot 107, Subaru Justy) 74 points
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Mesaje: 1229
Membru din: 22 Noi 2008, 21:38
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: new ibiza

19 Iun 2009, 10:05

Robby_D scrie:
e o masina traznet, si frumoasa si agila 8) . Merge perfect pot spune k imi iubesc masina mai mult dekt prietena :D

Iar daca prietena ta citeste ce ai scris cred k ai ramane doar cu masina :))
Ex: 2008 Seat Ibiza 6L Glow Orange
2001 Honda Civic Type-R EP3 Nighthawk Black
2002 VW Lupo 3L Silver
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Mesaje: 390
Membru din: 21 Sep 2008, 10:14
Localitate: Ploiesti

Re: Noua Ibiza

31 Oct 2009, 18:27

inteleg,ne place masinuta asta,dar sa incercam sa nu ne mandrim cu motoarele imprumutate de la vw.Si fordul face masini foarte bune,poate chiar mai fiabile decat seat
White Ibiza ;1.2 70 cp

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Mesaje: 3370
Membru din: 12 Sep 2009, 09:50
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: new ibiza

31 Oct 2009, 21:25

Vlad_TNS scrie:
Robby_D scrie:
e o masina traznet, si frumoasa si agila 8) . Merge perfect pot spune k imi iubesc masina mai mult dekt prietena :D

Iar daca prietena ta citeste ce ai scris cred k ai ramane doar cu masina :))

Off topic: mai mult ca sigur :)) =))

On Topic... Draguta masina ... :)
Seat Leon 1M 1.6 8v AKL | B-111-EON |
Ex: '96 Honda Civic EJ9 | '88 Dacia 1310 | '02 BMW 525d e39 | '97 Nexia Coupe
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Mesaje: 528
Membru din: 08 Feb 2010, 14:18
Localitate: Brasov

Re: Noua Ibiza

19 Feb 2010, 09:53

Ibiza Cupra a fost nominalizată ca fiind “Cea mai sportivă maşină a anului” în Portugalia

În Portugalia, Ibiza CUPRA a fost desemnată “Cea mai sportivă maşină a anului” de către membrii “Car of the Yer - Crystal Steering Wheel Trophy”. După ce a câştigat în 2009 în Portugalia titlul “Maşina anului la clasa mică”, de această dată Noua Ibiza i-a învins pe rivalii săi cu modelul CUPRA, versiune echipată cu motor 1.4 TSI 180 CP, DSG, 7 trepte de viteză.
Cristian Tion
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