Club SEAT CUPRA Romania - clubul pasionatilor de modele ale marcilor SEAT si CUPRA

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Mesaje: 128
Membru din: 27 Dec 2016, 10:29

Re: Noutati SEAT

22 Oct 2019, 07:59

Si eu sunt foarte curios sa văd interiorul, sper ca au fost “lăsați” de grup sa aducă un plus de calitate. Exteriorul imi place foarte mult, atât cat pot distinge din randarile disponibile.
Știe cineva cand e lansarea oficială?
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Mesaje: 9043
Membru din: 20 Iul 2008, 19:28
Localitate: Onesti

Re: Noutati SEAT

24 Oct 2019, 20:11

Toledo 1M/AUS/1,6/16V /115CP midnight blue metallic
Arosa 6H/AUB/1,4/16V/107CP rosu

"I didn't mod my car to be faster/better than other cars, I modded my car so its faster/better than it was before the mod"
"When events test men, angels then appear" - Cand timpurile ii pun la incercare pe oameni, atunci apar ingerii...
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Mesaje: 128
Membru din: 27 Dec 2016, 10:29

Re: Noutati SEAT

12 Noi 2019, 18:38

Acum ca s-au lansat surorile Golf si Octavia, poate ii lasa si pe cei de la Seat sa comunice mai multe detalii despre lansarea noului Leon :)
Are cineva vreo informatie?
Mesaje: 154
Membru din: 13 Mai 2015, 16:10
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: Noutati SEAT

18 Dec 2019, 12:36

l-au cam facut pom de craciun in spate.

2015 Seat Leon FR 1.4 TSI 125
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Mesaje: 9043
Membru din: 20 Iul 2008, 19:28
Localitate: Onesti

Re: Noutati SEAT

19 Dec 2019, 19:59

Toledo 1M/AUS/1,6/16V /115CP midnight blue metallic
Arosa 6H/AUB/1,4/16V/107CP rosu

"I didn't mod my car to be faster/better than other cars, I modded my car so its faster/better than it was before the mod"
"When events test men, angels then appear" - Cand timpurile ii pun la incercare pe oameni, atunci apar ingerii...
Mesaje: 28
Membru din: 21 Noi 2014, 16:17

Re: Noutati SEAT

20 Dec 2019, 09:59

Ateca FL, subtirel :) probabil grosul va fi la interior ... hotos.html
Mesaje: 154
Membru din: 13 Mai 2015, 16:10
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: Noutati SEAT

27 Ian 2020, 21:51

2015 Seat Leon FR 1.4 TSI 125

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Mesaje: 12
Membru din: 15 Mar 2013, 13:25
Localitate: IASI

Re: Noutati SEAT

28 Ian 2020, 08:44

Uncamouflaged 2020 SEAT Leon leaked ahead of launch: ... -of-launch

2020 SEAT Leon Leaks Out A Day Before Its Official Premiere

2020 SEAT Leon Plug-In Hybrid Spied, New Teaser Released ... -phev-spy/

2020 SEAT Leon, yarınki tanıtımı öncesinde sızdırıldı! ... izdirildi/
Verifica seria VIN a masinii pe care doresti sa o cumperi prin CARVERTICAL:
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Mesaje: 9043
Membru din: 20 Iul 2008, 19:28
Localitate: Onesti

Re: Noutati SEAT

03 Noi 2020, 22:36

Toledo 1M/AUS/1,6/16V /115CP midnight blue metallic
Arosa 6H/AUB/1,4/16V/107CP rosu

"I didn't mod my car to be faster/better than other cars, I modded my car so its faster/better than it was before the mod"
"When events test men, angels then appear" - Cand timpurile ii pun la incercare pe oameni, atunci apar ingerii...
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Mesaje: 113
Membru din: 28 Mar 2018, 12:48
Localitate: Brașov

Re: Noutati SEAT

06 Sep 2023, 11:37

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